Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lost Season 5, Epsiode 2: "Jughead" Airdate: 1/28/09

Oh WOW!!!! Charles Widemore was originally on the island as a part of Richard Alpert's army!!!! You'll have to excuse my excitement. I stay away from spoilers most of the time. This may have been common knowledge on some of the spoiler sites, but it is big news to me. So now the big question(s): what does Widemore do to get tossed of the island in the first place? Will it be answered this season? Is it his cocky little, power hungry attitude that causes him to be tossed off the island just as Lucifer was tossed from the Heavens? Ooooooooooooooooooooo. Could that last statement have legs? I know the writers have vehemently denied since day one that the Losties are in purgatory so I hate to even bring it up... and I'm not suggesting purgatory but rather the eternal battle between Heaven and Hell... starring Charles Widmore as Satan and Jacob as GOD, with special appearances by archangel Richard... where am I going with this? I DON'T KNOW. At least not yet. Let me give my mind a break and just cover some of the other things in this episode:

1. Desmond and Penny have a baby 3 years into the future which is technically present day now, right? The baby's name is Charlie. Awwwwwww, how sweet!

2. Desmond goes to Oxford to find Daniel Faraday's mom. That's where he finds out about Theresa Spencer (the girl's who's mind is stuck jumping though time). At her house he finds out that Widemore is her benefactor, and has bank rolled Faraday's work at Oxford. Also, the guard on the island in the 50's looks like Theresa Spencer, so sayeth Daniel.

3. Faraday's mom is in Los Angeles. Any chance that she might be Mrs. Hawkings? Just throwing that out there. It probably wouldn't be that easy.

4. On the island, they are 50 years in the past. It's 1954 according to the ageless Richard Alpert. Also Locke was born May 30, 1956.

5.The Hydrogen bomb is named "Jughead" hence the name of the episode.

6. The "Others" speak Latin. Did we know that? Or is that new? I can't remember.

7. Daniel professes his love for Charlotte.

I'm sure there is more. I'll re-watch it tomorrow night and see what I missed. I'm sure there are some things. We now return you to your regularly scheduled life...


  1. Locke also told Richard to come visit him when he's born.

    Latin was news to me.

    Is the island hidden in 1954?
    When did Dharma start?

  2. One interesting point but not sure if it means anything. When Desmond went into Charles Widemore at his office, the large painting in the background is a painting of a polar bear pushing up against something with the word namasté painted at the top.

    In yoga, namasté is said to mean "The light in me honors the light in you," as spoken by both the yoga instructor and yoga students. Taken literally, it means "I bow to you".

  3. Sherpa, I believe Dharma started in the 60's, but it was probably being planned in the mid 50's.

    Something else....the's not looking good for poor Charlotte. Looks like she's about to meet Charlie, Ana Lucia, et al.

    How about a young Widmore, huh? Man, that was great casting! I loved John's reaction to meeting him, too. He didn't say it, but it was all over his face. Classic!

    Miles was showing us his talents again...talking about the soldiers in the fresh graves.

    When are they now?

    Tripp, your theory of Mrs. Hawking being Faraday's mom might be simple, but it could also be never know with this show, man.

    Looks like our friends in L.A. hook up with Benny Boy and head back to the South Pacific next week.

    All I know is that I better start getting some answers...and QUICK!

  4. Also, the British chick who had her gun pointed at Faraday the whole time...yeah, I kinda wanted Sawyer to turn her in to Swiss cheese. She was freakin' annoying.

  5. "All I know is that I better start getting some answers...and QUICK!"

    I know, that recap show talked about more answers then question but they're not off to good start.
