Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lost: Season 5, Episode 1 - "Because You Left/The Lie"

Wow!!!! That certainly moved fast! I liked the recap show too as there were a few things I missed from last season. I just wanted to quickly hit on a few key points and then will dig deeper in the next day or two:

1. Time frame: The Oceanic 6 are three years into the future which is shown as present day. The survivors left on the island are three years behind... kind of... at least before they start time shifting they are.

2. Ben finds the 1.21 gigawatts (pronounced with a "j") needed to jump start the flux capacitor and sends the Losties into a "when-are-they-now" time shift. I so wish Christopher Lloyd had been a guest star...

3. Richard is not effected by the time shifting, but is aware that it is occurring, at least at that moment he helps Locke. He does say that the next time he sees Locke, he will not recognize him.

4. Locke has to "die" in order to convince the Oceanic 6 to come back, but is he REEEEAAAALLLLYY dead? I doubt it.

5. Faraday says "you can't change the past. Whatever happened happened." So what is the first thing he does? He tries to alter things because he knows what will happen due to the symptoms Charlotte is showing: nose bleeds, headache, memory loss... plus I think he wants to save her because he loves her.

6. I miss Ana Lucia!!! It was nice to see her. She like Charlie is now a spirit guide of Hurley's I assume. I also assume we'll see her again next week as she helps spring Hugo from the Big House.

7. I'm not sure about Sun. She is definitely pissed and wants Ben's head, but how many people will she go through to get it. And in working for/with Widemore, is she on the good side or bad? We tend to side with Ben, but he did kill all of those Dharma peeps. So who really is in the right? Of course maybe Ben committed that act to keep Widmore and his evil crony, Dr. Marvin Candle from hatching their diabolical scheme of harnessing the power, altering time, and taking over the world... oh wait, there's rules. But rules were meant to be broken... mwuh-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa... I guess I should start another number.

8. Did I tell you how much I miss Ana Lucia? It was also nice to see Bernard and Rose. Who the hell is Neal? I remember him coming into the picture last season, but who the hell is Neal? I glanced away from the TV for a sec, did one of the fire arrows take him out? I hope so. I even liked Nikki and that other dude that got bit by the spider and buried alive better than him.

9. Oh look! Mrs. Hawking is back. She was the one in the jewelry store where Desmond goes to buy a ring for Penny (See "Flashes Before Your Eyes" from Season 3). She is also in a picture with Brother Campbell who is at the Monastery/Winery where Desmond is attempting to become a monk (See "Catch-22" from Season 3). In this episode, she tells Ben that if all six do not come back, then "God help us all." Ben has 70 hours to get everyone back.

10. Numbers: The clock at the beginning says 8:14 then the alarm goes off at 8:15. Ben pulls ticket number 342 at the Butcher Shop.

11. Sawyerisms: "Shut it Ginger or you're getting one too," "Frogart"

I don't think that's everything, but close. I'll be going back through tomorrow and grabbing some screen caps... or I may just put up pics of Ana Lucia who I heart more than Shih Tzu's.


  1. Anyone who watched LOST for the first time got the entire story (up through tonight) summed up by Hugo when he explained it to his mother. Who needs DVD's, right?

    So much to wrap your head around...I'm still trying to absorb all of it.

  2. hahahahahaha!!! It sounded so crazy coming out of his mouth too. He didn't want to lie, but everyone would have thought he was crazy had he told the story to begin with.
