Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lost Season 5, Episode 6: "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" Airdate: 2/25/09

I knew it! Something hit me about 30 minutes into this episode and I even said it out loud, "Ben is going to kill Locke!" The big question(s) is/are: Why? Was it out of jealousy? Was it because Locke was favored and accepted as Able was before being murdered by Cain in Genesis? Was it because Ben didn't want to lose his position of power? Or did he kill John because it was what he was supposed to do? This is a very big twist. Just when you think Ben might actually be a "good man," the writers "flip da script" on us us once again. And in doing so, they really painted Charles Widemore in a positive light. Maybe Ben had to kill him because had he killed himself, it would have messed everything up. You are not a martyr if you kill yourself. But why cover it up and make it look like a suicide? Ben has always known more about what's going on, but yet seems to play dumb.

Now my head is swarming. I want to know who's good and who's bad, who's right and who's wrong? It's still too early to know, and something tells me that there will be many more twists and turns to come. I guess I will resolve to trust no one.

I so wanted to trust Widmore after this episode. His character was so different, so caring, but I'm sure that is what the writers want as they continue to steer us in the direction that they want us to go in.

We now know the exit. When you leave the island, of course by way of the magnetic anomaly, you end up in the Tunisia desert. I'm assuming this area is also a magnetic hot spot, like the place in Australia. This also explains the polar bear bones and Dharma collar that Charlotte was observing at the desert dig. (See Season 4, "Confirmed Dead.)

(... Will catch up on this on the week off.)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lost Season 5, Episode 5: "316" Airdate: 2/18/09

John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

I will return to this episode entry later. I'm still getting caught up.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lost Season 5, Epsiode 4: "This Place Is Death" Airdate: 2/11/09

As most are aware, I try to avoid spoilers when it comes to the show. I even try to avoid the show synopsis when I can, but I slipped when looking up the title for this episode. It said something about Locke and I thought we would see how he dies, but that wasn't the case because after he leaves the island, he goes to see Ben, not only to give him Jin's wedding ring, but also to put his plan in action. So how Locke dies remains a mystery for now.

It was another fast paced episode which of course left the viewers asking more questions even though it answered a few from previous shows. For one, we now know that Eloise Hawking is Faraday's mom. Desmond confirmed that as he entered the scene. What else did we learn? Oh yeah, Charlotte was not allowed to have chocolate before dinner. What does this mean? Nothing really. They were just showing that she was taking those mental trips through time like Faraday's lab rat, Theresa Spencer. However, unlike Theresa who is still "tripping" in the present day (or when ever she is), Charlotte bites the big one. Call it a hunch, but something tells me that Daniel will cause some major problems by trying to change the future by altering the past. They even hinted around to the fact that he had been there before in a dialog between Faraday and Charlotte. Perhaps even since he has been there before, Daniel is already in the future trying to fix everything he messed up, and that is why those who left the island have to come back. Hmmmmmmm? A little "Butterfly Effect" maybe? Oh, this is totally off subject, but when have I been able to stay on track. I have been following Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore on Twitter and they are quite fun to watch FYI... back to LOST.

As soon as the show ended last night, my good friend Paul posted something on my Facebook wall, that I missed. I wrote the name down, but didn't decipher it. The name on Ben's carpet cleaning van: Canton-Rainier. It's an anagram of "reincarnation." Good catch Paul! Not sure what to do with that info just yet, but it may come into play soon... or they are trying to throw the die-hard Losties off.

Other things to discuss amongst yourselves, or in the comment section:

1. Ben loses it, feeling under appreciated tells Jack to go ahead and shoot him, but do we completely trust Ben. He seems to know all and stay one step ahead. Maybe because he has already been through everything before... maybe?

2. Charlotte speaks Korean... and "Klingon." (Reference to Star Trek. The remake being directed by... guess...JJ Abrams). She also grew up on the island as a child of the Dharma Initiative, but left with her mom (probably at the advice of Faraday who was the "crazy man" of her past).

3. The Well. Located near the Orchid. It looked ancient. I was hoping some light would be shed on the four-toed statue.

4. Christian Shephard shows up at the bottom of the well to help guide Locke, but he can't pick him up. He can only tells Locke what he needs to know. Is he just a spirit? Christian had told Locke that "he" had to move the island, but when he told this to Mr. Linus, Ben moved the island because he knew how. But all along, Locke was the one who was supposed to move it. Locke tells Christian that Richard says he will die to which he responds, "that's why they call it sacrifice." Locke is the sacrificial lamb who will die so that the others may live? Anyone? Anyone?

5. The Black Smoke. Been a while since we have seen it in that detail. It retreated to a temple. I don't recall ever seeing that temple. Is that the place that Richard referenced last season?

... have to get to a meeting. More later!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lost Season 5, Episode 3: "The Little Prince" Airdate: 2/4/09

BesixDOUZE! BesixDOUZE! I know many other important things happened in this episode, but this was a blatant "Lost" closeup of an item so you know I had to bust out in a little Google action. "BesixDOUZE" was written on the fuel can on the beach by Locke. It's French for "B612" which is the name of an asteroid. It's also happens to be the name of the asteroid in the children's book "The Little Prince."

This book was written by a French aviator who was involved in a plane crash (the writers like to make references like this a lot) and stranded in the desert. Sometimes these references are nothing more than that-this person or that person was in a plane crash and there is nothing deeper than what is on the surface. This book, though a children's story makes some very profound points about human nature. I have never read the book but, according to the wiki, there is a famous line when translated from French says, "one can not see well except with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes." I really like that line. I think I may pick up this book and read it... Of course I'm falling into the trap of one of the evil hidden agendas of this show-to sell more books and get people to read more.

The little prince's asteroid, btw, was about the size of a house and had three volcanoes and a rose. I may be digging too deep, but do you think the writers might be suggesting that this island is an asteroid than can transcend time and space...other dimensions? Another dimension, another dimension, another dimension... Sorry... Beastie Boys just came on my iPhone... Where was I? Oh yeah, can somebody get Jeff Bridges on the line? We may have some sort of "Starman" reference here, though the writers said, "not alien," right?

So what else happened in this episode?

Jin is alive! That should take the "vengeful beeotch" right out of Sun... When they can prove it to her. Jin must have been, as Faraday put it, "with in the radius" when Ben turned the wheel. But now he is 16 years in the past (need to double check the timeline, but I thought that the distress signal had been running that long) with a very young Danielle Roussesu and her "team." I assume that he will flash around and eventually hook back up with the rest of his people.

Miles and Juliette are getting nose bleeds and will soon experience the same things as Charlotte, unless they can stop the time jumping when they get to the Orchid. Mrs. Hawking must know exactly when they shut it off, hence the 70 hour ultimatum to Ben. They'll have to be back on the island by then... Or Ben has to shut it off to save them, and in doing so, traps them there... Forever. Just some thoughts.

Some references to the numbers:
Kate's address: 42 Panorama Crest
The boat slip: Slip 23 at Long Beach Marina.

We now know that they could potentially run into their past selves on the island. When Locke sees the light from the hatch, he knew exactly when they where: the night that Boone died and when Claire gave birth to Aaron. Sawyer even prods Locke about going over to talk to "himself," but Locke says he needed to have the pain he did in order to to where he is today. Faraday said you can't change what has already happened, but if you are able to see your past self and past friends, don't you think you would be able to? Or, would it be that the past self wouldn't see you, but maybe hear "voices" or see "ghosts" or black smoke maybe? The Others from the past can see and interact with the Losties, but we don't know yet if they can interact with their past selves. Will they even touch on this?

So who was in the canoe shooting at Locke's team? As far as time, it was after the crash of 815, and close to current island time which should be in early 2005 now, right? I know the time thing is confusing because when we see Jack and Kate it's 2008ish, while on the island it should be still 2005 if they ever get back to normal.

Why did Ben send the lawyer after Kate? Did he not think Jack would be able to bring her in? Dan was also the attorney for Claire's mom who had sued Oceanic and was there by coincidence.

What did I miss? I know I missed something, but I have written this blog entry entirely from my iPhone and my eyes are crossed looking at this screen. Plus I need to do something else to get my mind off of this show for a while. Maybe I should unplug from everything for a little while... Yeah right! Like that'll happen. Until next time!

Lost Season 5, Epsiode 2: "Jughead" Airdate: 1/28/09

Oh WOW!!!! Charles Widemore was originally on the island as a part of Richard Alpert's army!!!! You'll have to excuse my excitement. I stay away from spoilers most of the time. This may have been common knowledge on some of the spoiler sites, but it is big news to me. So now the big question(s): what does Widemore do to get tossed of the island in the first place? Will it be answered this season? Is it his cocky little, power hungry attitude that causes him to be tossed off the island just as Lucifer was tossed from the Heavens? Ooooooooooooooooooooo. Could that last statement have legs? I know the writers have vehemently denied since day one that the Losties are in purgatory so I hate to even bring it up... and I'm not suggesting purgatory but rather the eternal battle between Heaven and Hell... starring Charles Widmore as Satan and Jacob as GOD, with special appearances by archangel Richard... where am I going with this? I DON'T KNOW. At least not yet. Let me give my mind a break and just cover some of the other things in this episode:

1. Desmond and Penny have a baby 3 years into the future which is technically present day now, right? The baby's name is Charlie. Awwwwwww, how sweet!

2. Desmond goes to Oxford to find Daniel Faraday's mom. That's where he finds out about Theresa Spencer (the girl's who's mind is stuck jumping though time). At her house he finds out that Widemore is her benefactor, and has bank rolled Faraday's work at Oxford. Also, the guard on the island in the 50's looks like Theresa Spencer, so sayeth Daniel.

3. Faraday's mom is in Los Angeles. Any chance that she might be Mrs. Hawkings? Just throwing that out there. It probably wouldn't be that easy.

4. On the island, they are 50 years in the past. It's 1954 according to the ageless Richard Alpert. Also Locke was born May 30, 1956.

5.The Hydrogen bomb is named "Jughead" hence the name of the episode.

6. The "Others" speak Latin. Did we know that? Or is that new? I can't remember.

7. Daniel professes his love for Charlotte.

I'm sure there is more. I'll re-watch it tomorrow night and see what I missed. I'm sure there are some things. We now return you to your regularly scheduled life...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lost: Season 5, Episode 1 - "Because You Left/The Lie"

Wow!!!! That certainly moved fast! I liked the recap show too as there were a few things I missed from last season. I just wanted to quickly hit on a few key points and then will dig deeper in the next day or two:

1. Time frame: The Oceanic 6 are three years into the future which is shown as present day. The survivors left on the island are three years behind... kind of... at least before they start time shifting they are.

2. Ben finds the 1.21 gigawatts (pronounced with a "j") needed to jump start the flux capacitor and sends the Losties into a "when-are-they-now" time shift. I so wish Christopher Lloyd had been a guest star...

3. Richard is not effected by the time shifting, but is aware that it is occurring, at least at that moment he helps Locke. He does say that the next time he sees Locke, he will not recognize him.

4. Locke has to "die" in order to convince the Oceanic 6 to come back, but is he REEEEAAAALLLLYY dead? I doubt it.

5. Faraday says "you can't change the past. Whatever happened happened." So what is the first thing he does? He tries to alter things because he knows what will happen due to the symptoms Charlotte is showing: nose bleeds, headache, memory loss... plus I think he wants to save her because he loves her.

6. I miss Ana Lucia!!! It was nice to see her. She like Charlie is now a spirit guide of Hurley's I assume. I also assume we'll see her again next week as she helps spring Hugo from the Big House.

7. I'm not sure about Sun. She is definitely pissed and wants Ben's head, but how many people will she go through to get it. And in working for/with Widemore, is she on the good side or bad? We tend to side with Ben, but he did kill all of those Dharma peeps. So who really is in the right? Of course maybe Ben committed that act to keep Widmore and his evil crony, Dr. Marvin Candle from hatching their diabolical scheme of harnessing the power, altering time, and taking over the world... oh wait, there's rules. But rules were meant to be broken... mwuh-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa... I guess I should start another number.

8. Did I tell you how much I miss Ana Lucia? It was also nice to see Bernard and Rose. Who the hell is Neal? I remember him coming into the picture last season, but who the hell is Neal? I glanced away from the TV for a sec, did one of the fire arrows take him out? I hope so. I even liked Nikki and that other dude that got bit by the spider and buried alive better than him.

9. Oh look! Mrs. Hawking is back. She was the one in the jewelry store where Desmond goes to buy a ring for Penny (See "Flashes Before Your Eyes" from Season 3). She is also in a picture with Brother Campbell who is at the Monastery/Winery where Desmond is attempting to become a monk (See "Catch-22" from Season 3). In this episode, she tells Ben that if all six do not come back, then "God help us all." Ben has 70 hours to get everyone back.

10. Numbers: The clock at the beginning says 8:14 then the alarm goes off at 8:15. Ben pulls ticket number 342 at the Butcher Shop.

11. Sawyerisms: "Shut it Ginger or you're getting one too," "Frogart"

I don't think that's everything, but close. I'll be going back through tomorrow and grabbing some screen caps... or I may just put up pics of Ana Lucia who I heart more than Shih Tzu's.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Lost is Back This Wednesday!!!!

It's been a while since I have signed on to blogspot, but it's nice to be back. The Disney contest that I was involved in this time last year consumed me and I dropped the LOST football. I had the time of my life during the contest and even after it was over in April it was hard to get back to blogging. I still watched the show, but couldn't finish the blog. My apologies to those who I let down. Thanks to several good friends who emailed and asked If I would get back to it this season, I am. I will do my best to keep everything up to date. However, 2009 is a transition year for me. For those who have not yet heard, my job at Star 94 is coming to an end and we may have to move to another city to find work. If this is the case, I could possibly get delayed, but should be able to get through most of the season. With that bit of info out of the way, let's get started.

Wednesday Night starts at 8:00 with Lost: Destiny Calls, a recap of the first four seasons. Then it's the two-hour season 5 premiere: "Because You Left/The Lie." In this episode, according to the TV Guide synopsis, Jack and Ben round up the Oceanic 6 and begin the return to the island, carrying Locke's body with them in order to save the remaining survivors, who are feeling the effects of the island move/time shift. Also, Michelle Rodriguez is back as "Anna Lucia" for a guest star appearance. (Season 5 Press Release)

I read a great article the other day that said time shifting will be addressed this season and play a major role. Also, Sawyer will be a key player this year... and for the ladies, he'll have his shirt off a lot. Look for Josh Holloway's "James Ford" to be a major focal point this season.

That's it for now. I've got my DVR set, and my Hi-Def capture computer ready...haha... I'm such a geek. I'm gonna go make some popcorn. Here's to Wednesday and the return of LOST!